Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

An Acceptable Use Policy is a document which addresses all rights, privileges, responsibilities and sanctions associated with the use of the internet and digital technologies within the school, including online and offline usage. 

It has been drawn up by teachers and school leadership as part of a consultative process and has been agreed by Governors.  

It addresses the safe, acceptable and responsible use of the internet and digital technologies. As the rationale for having an AUP is primarily to promote good practice and safe, responsible use of the internet and digital technologies, it is a very important document. 

Its main goals are:

  • To educate pupils, parents and teachers about the potential of the internet and digital technologies as a valuable learning resource.
  • To identify the school strategy on promoting the safe use of the Internet and address the risks associated with its use.
  • To provide schools with legal protection from liability.

A copy of a child friendly AUP is on display in school wherever the pupils can access the internet.  A copy is also sent home for parents and pupils to sign and return to the school.  Please make sure you have returned your signed copies or ring the office to request a further copy be sent home.

Staff are also required to read and sign the AUP.

Acceptable Use Policy